Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Costly Christmas Donybrook Affair:

We have booked our Airplane tickets for October and purchased a Bed and Breakfast package. As we build our Itinerary I have been searching my best friend Steve's Ancestry to see if we can visit parts of Ireland where his people come from as well as mine and my brother's.


Last night I found an interesting item about Steve's ancestor Catherine Kennedy in a transcription from the Troy Daily Times August 6th 1860:

- Elizabeth STOKES and Catherine KENNEDY, disorderly conduct; two small girls; lectured and discharged.


I found it on GenWeb and while I was on I decided to search my father's family in Lenox Mass.

This is what I found there:

The "County Atlas of Berkshire, Massachusetts. From actual survey by and under the Direction of F. W. Beers, Published by R. T. White & Co., 36 Vesey Street, New York, 1876."

These Maps are Beautiful! And guess what I found in the upper right hand corner of the map of Lenox!

My Father's Father's Father's Father's
Place of Business on Hubbard Street!

His home was down on Church Street.

I'm gonna have to go get some colored ink to print this whole map out and have it framed for my wall along with my Killaloo maps!


Then I began searching The Berkshire County Eagle for anything relating to My Father's Father's Father's Father: James O'Brien.

I came across this article dated Friday Morning January 1 1858:

West Street is located in the lower left of the map
and can be seen by clicking on the link
to the Lenox Map provided above.

This reminds me of a scene from my father's favorite movie "The Quiet Man". I wonder if they were "..talking a little treason..." and tippin' a wee bit o' Poitín...

The episode concluded with this indulgence under the heading of "Local Intelligence" in the Friday Morning Jan. 15th, 1858 issue:

$51.07 was ALLOT of money in 1858; but I guess that's what you get when you Celebrate Christmas in the afternoon with a Donybrook!


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