Monday, June 16, 2008

The real reason there is now a Moon Phase in my sidebar...

It was a 97% Full Moon last night.

A Full Moon on Father's Day, imagine that...

"Devo" showed up after work to hang-out. When he decided to leave around 11:30 p.m. we loaded up his truck with some junk from Sarah's room, that I had gotten permission to put in a dumpster at work.

In the process of tossing a bed frame into the dumpster, I got hung up on the webbing and my wedding ring finger got CRUSHED between the frame and the dumpster. UGH!

Both ERs were busy so we went to Albany Med. where they supposedly do trauma best in the area.

I got to spend quality time with my EMT Son for the next 4 hours in the ER at Albany Med.

I painted the outside of his truck on the ride there. (He needs new tires and shocks I think.)

A very pretty Dr. Katherine Sullivan gave my local anesthesia, washed my wounds and stitched 3 stitches into my finger, which I have to have removed in 8 days. She looked allot like my friend Dennis' daughter but she professed no relation.

We got home around 4ish and I missed a day of work today.

I have been trying to blog about the Donegal-Diver connection on my Dad's side all day but its not going so well.

Blogging one-hand-hunt-an-peck is NO FUN....
