Then, this poem just channeled through me.
I was thinking about my Dad, the family myth of his beloved old "Kaiserr Henry J", and my childhood in Avon N.Y.....
on Lacy Street, in Avon N.Y.(1959)
(Yes, thats me in my "droopy-drawers!)
Mae auld lang syne:
( For Bill Morrison, A story of my childhood written in "Ullans" (
Quhan A wus jus a wee bairn
back in tha toun o
Da wud take us tae tha Barbers
in hiz lyttle Henry Jay
circ'l roon tha park quhar
tha Civil War Canons lae
tha yin thon the' shat aff
on inadependance dae
Yea hadda gie way
tae tha sleepin dug
quha ina rod wud stae
Tha Mayr's nam wus Mulvaney
thons quhaur A gie mae yinst hairscoot
frae he wus tha Mayr, an tha Barber tae
A rememba hiz so' ful laf
ana snip-snip, o tha sizzer throo
mae hair az it fel yin mae lap
an mae Da an hiz croonies tae
tauking polotic o tha day
gif A wus guid, A got a Lolli
an ona Canons wus alowd tae play
bot thos auld tymes ar gon naw
Tha auld tymes past awa
mae Da he' goon twa yier
Mulvaney nae langer cots hairs
an somyin els' iz tha may'r thyer
in mae memry styl it lyngers
Ya canna go bak the' sae
bot A hae brung ye thar
gif onie frae a momenary stae
an naw ye bin thar tae
gif thon mak's mae a bald birky
than sae beyit by an by
ye ownie saw yit, throo mae e'es
Sae rememba hiz so'ful laf
ana snip-snip, o tha sizzer throo
mae hair as it fel in mae lap
an mae Da an hiz croonies tae
tauking polotic o tha dae
gif A wur guid, A got a Lolli
an ona Canons cud play.
obeedude 11/july/07
Whether or not I would have been old enough to have had an actual memory of riding in it in 1959 it is debatable. It is, as much a memory of Family Myth, as anything else.
So, this is the story behind the myth, or the myth behind the story. More succinctly: the nostalgia of My old long time ago: in the dialect of the Auld Lang Syne. Sorry saraH, I'll try to write more like you want someday, or perhaps you will read more like I write someday... My myth's will become your myth's, and you will have your own, old long time ago.
Paint the "The Geezer O'Beaver" colorful. Tha's a' A ax....
*Ullans: "Ulster-Scots" is basically the same as "West Central Scots" (the language of Rabbie Burns), a Germanic tongue of common origin with English. Scots is the most defining characteristic of the Ulster accent, most Ulster-Scots who have visited other parts of the English speaking world will testify that more often than not, they are mistaken as being from Scotland rather than Northern Ireland. While broad Ulster-Scots is only spoken in the more rural communities, everyone in Northern Ireland uses Ulster-Scots words and phrases in their everyday speech.