Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some people are not my friends....

Well, on Facebook anyways... 

Perhaps because they haven't acquiesced to "The-group-think-social-networking-in-the-21st-century-phenomenon "...

I happen to think its just fun and I am perfectly fine with anyone who choses to limit their exposure to things of mass appeal. That having been said, I am posting this video here as well as on my Youtube Channel for those of my "Friends" who would like to see me do something silly and still be a "Rebel-without-a-facebook-account..." 

(You know who you are!...and I still respect you for you're bohemian-post-hippie-way-of-life too! ) 


Check another one off "The Bucket List"!!!!


`·.,,  ><(((º>



Monday, January 18, 2010

You're Invited!

This coming weekend, 
on Sunday January 24, 
I am the featured poet 
on home turf! 

I will be pulling readings from the vaults,  some of which have not seen the light of day since the light was lit! I'm combing through my long-hair stuff, and intending to mix things up!

There will be poems about Home, poems about Poems, poems about ol' Lovers, maybe even Mothers!

There will be VideO'ems and Harp Music too! Then afterwards we'll repair to the Pub for some brew!

(oh man, I have to get out more I'm beginning to sound like Dr. Suess!)
